Saturday, October 13, 2012

5S Application

What is 5S?

5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. 5S is both a philosophy and a methodology for organizing and managing the work space and work flow with the intent to improve efficiency by eliminating waste

Each of the 5 pillars is a “structural element” to support and maintain the future improvements within a company.
Many do not believe that having a neat and clean environment aids production, however the fact remains that:
-A neat and clean factory has higher productivity
-A neat and clean factory is safer
-A neat and clean factory meets deadlines better
-A neat and clean factory produces fewer defects
-A neat and clean factory is less hassle
-A neat and clean factory isn’t an embarrassment

The 5S Description

  1. Seiri:        Sort
  2. Seiton:     Set in Order
  3. Seiso:      Shine
  4. Seiketsu:  Standardise
  5. Shitsuke: Sustain

1. Seiri = Sort corresponds to the principles of JIT:

“…only what is needed, in the amounts necessary,  as they are required…”

Hence when you Sort you remove everything that is not required for current production, this does not mean:

Only items that will definitely not be needed are removed
Items are arranged into neat rows or patterns

Keyword: When in doubt, throw it out

2. Seiton = Set in Order, It’s Organizing

Once SEIRI is complete, SEITON ensures that the items necessary for current production are:
  • Optimised in positions / order for current production
  • Labelled correctly and clearly so anyone can use the area
  • Standardisation becomes the norm, with 
  • Visual controls inform staff of standard procedures, item areas and volumes, WIP status etc…
The Implementation of Seiton using Three Fix:
  1. Where (fixed position)
  2. What (fixed items)
  3. How many (fixed quantity)
Keyword: Don’t accept out of  Standard

3. Seiso = Shine Cleaning
Keyword: Clean by yourselves with your hand everyday

4. Seiketsu = Standardizing, “don’t make dirty”
  • By maintaining the gains made from Seiri, Seiton and Seiso, we have effectively standardised them.
  • The main goal is to avoid going back to the bad old days by ensuring that daily activities are sufficient to maintain the status quo.
  • Effectively turn the first 3Ss into a habit
  • In order to get to 5S, the 3S duties need to be integrated into normal daily duties.
  • Otherwise 3S duties will only be carried out as 3S conditions are seen to be slipping
  • Supervisors have to ensure that Visual 5S and Five-Minute 5S  actions are undertaken by staff and that the necessary equipment, time and any required resources are available to perform those duties.

Keyword: Maintain the “3S”

5. Shitsuke= Sustain, It’s “Discipline”

Keyword: Winning Heart And Mind To Apply Best Practice

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